Couch Potatoe

Sunday, 10. September 2006

Give It Up

Well, the plan's screwed, it's not working. If anything I'm smoking alot more than before. Great fuck.

Enjoy this instead:


Wednesday, 6. September 2006

In Between Days

Not blogging that much these days, because the five minutes per day that I have left to fill up with my own will are spent on playing this addictive game. Must. Do... Homewrrjkk.....

Sunday, 3. September 2006

Tangled Up In Plaid

Alright, I'm so obsessed with this woman, it made me watch 13 Going On 30 the 4th time just to actually see her. I haven't had the guts to get around Elektra, that movie sucks so bad even without having watched it... all I did was watch the lesbian kiss (which was promoted heavily on some blog, wheras the scene was rather.. pityful than sexy. It's such a typical men's movie).

Aaah, talk about having no life. Even my friends and especially my brother think I'm nuts. But this is only helping me shelter myself from everything else that is going on around me, seriously. I'd rather spend my days thinking about how cool it must be to be Sidney Bristow or being friends with Jen Garner than that half hearted apology my ex boyfriend stuttered down the other day, or the piles of homework I still have to get done, or God bless automobiles, my driver's licence, which I'm not so keen on getting anymore.

More interesting yet, I went to see Miami Vice last night, which was next to taking three lines of coke and drinking half a bottle of Vodka on an empty stomach was probably the worst idea I've ever had in my entire life. The movie sucked so much that I went outside before it had even ended to smoke a cigarette. It was the first time in months that I thought about how good it would've been to just get stoned right then. Not even the presence of mighty yum yum Colin Farrell could comfort me, the long sleezy hair and-- Jesus, the moustache. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOUSTACHE?! That thing breathes and lives, it's that irritatingly big.

To continue my procrastination programme that involves both the ignorance of duty and socializing, I'm going to watch the The Simpsons Top 10 Best Episodes Marathon. Oh and, maybe I'm going to get myself something to eat, if I'm not too lazy.

I forgot how great the functionality of weekend was. You start worshipping free time even more when it's not daily. I was a little slow on finding out, I know.. laters.

Thursday, 31. August 2006

Where Does The Good Go?

I'm done watching Alias. It was a weird experience. First they die, then they live, then they die again- first they're good, then they're bad, then they're good, then they're bad again... it's a drag if you ask me. And I probably would've stopped watching mid season 4 if it wasn't for the fact that I'd already downloaded all of the episodes. And of course, Jennifer Garner, my new love interest. Seriously. I'm going to LA if only to check this chick out for real.

But anyway, I'm kind of relieved it's done. Nevermind the sloppy ending, I can now go to sleep without having to think about what is going to happen next. Nothing worse than anticipation. But also-- nothing better, right?

So, yeah. My life is compeltely empty now again. What a pity-- I can't wait til Veronica Mars is finished downloading. Maybe I'll have another addiction. I really need this obsession to get over the fact that the rest of my life that doesn't involve fiction is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen.

Monday, 21. August 2006


I'd love to be the lead singer of Fuel, except I'm a girl and I can't sing, but I'd really love to be. He's also kinda cute so that'd give me an advantage to my current situation, too.

I'd be happy enough if I could make stuff like this using Flash, but it's not happening either.

Two nights ago I finished watching S3 of Alias, and it left my terrified of what's going to happen next. I am officially in love with Sidney Bristow. Then I found out they wrapped the show up, there's no season beyond #5.
Shows make me pity my life because they're so much better than this. Maybe I should just stop watching this crap, and things will get better again.

Haha. One week until school. I'm still stoned from the joint I smoked.. err.. like, two minutes ago. I'm wrecking my mind.

Wednesday, 16. August 2006

Nasty Girls

I heard a song today, it's called "London Bridge" and is from Fergie Ferg's debut solo (!) album. I'm happy they finally spared us the annoying primate look-a-likes from the rest of the Black Eyed Peas, but something told me just right then that I didn't want to live among such worthless beings anymore. I cite:

How come everytime you come around
My London London Bridge wanna go down
Like London London London

Deep stuff there, man. Deep stuff. And you're still wondering why people commit suicide?

Monday, 31. July 2006

Military Minds

It took me exactly 2 days and 2 nights to watch Alias: Season 2. I am obsessed again. Although I'd watched the episodes before, I just couldn't help being caught up in it again. I wasn't even intending to get so sucked into it. Tecker's Girlfriend lend me the box and in a moment of boredom, I decided to watch one or two episodes. Well, 48 hours later, I'm hanging on like a junkie on turkey to get S3. TG is in Toscany right now, so either I'll have to wait another wait to get my fix, or I can just download 3,6 GB worth of breath taking tension.

Guess what I'm doing right now.

Anyway, one thing that amuses me alot in American shows is how they profile other countries and their behaviour, as well as reflect foreign nations so unprofessionally, it cracks me up every time.

Germans, for instance, are always the villains that don't succeed. Always. They usually have blonde, wavy hair, relatively long, wear glasses and look like they just dropped out of WWII. I swear I haven't seen any German look like this, and I'm sure I never will.

Most importantly, they usually use their own (American) actors to speak German. The thick accent is unmistakable. How hard could it possibly be to find a German speaking extra to fit the job?

Oh and, I never thought that Jennifer Garner was hot. On stills, she looks skinny, childish... cute, but not hot. Same goes for Micheal Vartan. Interesting how my opinion changes after 22 episodes... hot, hot, hot. Except, the final left me crying. And I'm still shaking. I need my fix. Now.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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