Sunday, 12. November 2006


I figured it out and I must quickly write it down before I forget and then end up another ten years trying to solve the problem.

Okay, taking a deep breath.

I am not able to fall in love nor commit to any kind of serious relationship (there it is, the problem) because my expectations of such a relationship or a proper victim to fall in love with (yes, it's a victim, after all I'd stalk, capture and rape them) are too influenced by fictional characters of TV-shows and brainwashing society. It gave me a picture and an ideal of what my future SHOULD be that I can never, in real life, match up with. So all I have to do is change my taste in guys and I'll hook up soon enough, fall deeply in love, get married and have seven kids and a Chevrolet. Maybe even a Porsche Chayenne if he's a nerdy business man with money.

Oh please dear God, let him be a nerdy, good looking business guy with money. The Zach Braff kinda guy. Or Jason Bartha.

See what I mean?

All I have to do is change my habits in order to get my life working.
So easy.
Avitable (guest) - Nov 13, 12:44

They're out there.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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