Wednesday, 8. November 2006

You Owe Me an IOU

My ex-boyfriend's presence at my school, in the classes we share and even on my ICQ buddylist is making me really uncomfortable, all the time. Knowing that he's back from his one-year exchange to the USA, that he has changed (and I'm still not sure if I like it) pisses me off, and that with each time I see him, I remember the pain he made me go through during our break-up.

On the other hand, I'm so desperately trying to show off as the cool one, as if this issue hadn't bothered me for more than twelve and a half seconds, that he doesn't seem to notice what a prick he really is. Which is annoying- are men really so dumb to think that they have left no impression at all, that I can just move on like this? Hello you retard, I'm totally still mad and pissed at you, but I'm not doing you the favor of telling you this.

Kind of screws my day, because I'd kill to have sex with him just once again. If there was one thing he was naturally good at, well, it was sex. And even though I'm "not in the mood", I'd do an exception. Either for him or for a girl but let's not talk about that because it would lead to my new found self-phobia. Seriously. I'm not gay.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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