shocked (guest) - Nov 6, 23:38

well, it seems to me that you have really fucked up a few things in your past life. i'm sorry to say this and don't feel offended by my statement, but the story you have written is really really tough... it kind of remembers me on a film called "kids" (with chloe sevigney or something). you should watch it.
but coming up to you again... honestly, i don't want any teenager to live their life they way you did.

skysurfer - Nov 7, 17:46

Sounds worse than it is because of the really short timespan and the young age, but in fact I didn't do more crazy things that most people do. I went over the line in the case of drugs, but I never exaggerated the use of them, and I quickly passed this state (except for pot, but I don't consider pot a drug). As for everything else- I know people who were worse off. It's just that I feel a decade older than I am, and I know people are only having these experiences NOW, so what's happened is that now I lack all the fun things that they do. Party? Alcohol? God forbid, sex? Thanks, but no thanks. I'm too old for that.

But yeah, if you think about it, if I could chose i'd go back and make sure I'd stay the little kid so I wouldn't retire from life at the age of 18...



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