Saturday, 21. October 2006

Some thought for the weekends

It's really alot better to have a platonic friendship with a guy who's cute.
It's also really alot better when he's your best friend and YOU are the one who doesn't want to get physical.

What I like about kittens is that they are stylish and clean. I don't like dogs because I dream I'd have to kill them.

My Sony Ericsson is lovely and absolutely precious.

I'm broke again, and this time poker stroke.

I still don't have any girlfriends.

I hate Ramadan, I hate Islam, I hate religions, and sometimes I hate my family.

I'm floating through my bubble gum world waiting for the next best series to get my head around so I can forget my life for a while again.

I'm very boring sometimes.
Avitable (guest) - Oct 21, 22:52

Blind devotion to any religion is a crutch and shelters weak-minded people from having to think too hard.

That's just my opinion, but I'm never wrong.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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