Thursday, 7. September 2006

Join Me In Death

The following plan: I'm going to lock myself up for the whole weekend. I will only occasionally leave the room to take a shit and maybe (but only maybe) shower. Every three hours I'm going to order a party pizza, a bottle of Vodka and a bucket of Hägen Dasz. And maybe (but only maybe) KFC chicken wings.

I will not talk to anyone or anything. Except if it's on the internet, so I will most likely leave my room anyway. But only to take a shit, a possible shower and to molest little children on MySpace. NO EXCEPTIONS.

There is a slight chance I might even finish all my school tasks.
A slight chance, you know, when I'm done reading everything I've already read before, and I'll read it again. I'm a procrastinator like that.

The aim? I'm going to quit smoking. I haven't bought a new pack in two days, which is awesome because I am smoking for free at school, which is the only place I'm smoking anyway. Today I made it to class without smoking, even, but the morning cigarette's lack hurt so much I had to smoke two in the following break. I know, bad. But I'm trying hard to get rid of it. It stinks, it's expensive and all my friends are tools. To change your environment, you have to change yourself. That's what I'm doing.

Either that or I'm dying of lung cancer.
Avitable (guest) - Sep 7, 21:41

Yes. Good idea. You need to stop smoking. Us large redblooded hairy-chested American men like our hot sexy women to taste good, not like an ashtray.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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