Sunday, 3. September 2006

Tangled Up In Plaid

Alright, I'm so obsessed with this woman, it made me watch 13 Going On 30 the 4th time just to actually see her. I haven't had the guts to get around Elektra, that movie sucks so bad even without having watched it... all I did was watch the lesbian kiss (which was promoted heavily on some blog, wheras the scene was rather.. pityful than sexy. It's such a typical men's movie).

Aaah, talk about having no life. Even my friends and especially my brother think I'm nuts. But this is only helping me shelter myself from everything else that is going on around me, seriously. I'd rather spend my days thinking about how cool it must be to be Sidney Bristow or being friends with Jen Garner than that half hearted apology my ex boyfriend stuttered down the other day, or the piles of homework I still have to get done, or God bless automobiles, my driver's licence, which I'm not so keen on getting anymore.

More interesting yet, I went to see Miami Vice last night, which was next to taking three lines of coke and drinking half a bottle of Vodka on an empty stomach was probably the worst idea I've ever had in my entire life. The movie sucked so much that I went outside before it had even ended to smoke a cigarette. It was the first time in months that I thought about how good it would've been to just get stoned right then. Not even the presence of mighty yum yum Colin Farrell could comfort me, the long sleezy hair and-- Jesus, the moustache. HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOUSTACHE?! That thing breathes and lives, it's that irritatingly big.

To continue my procrastination programme that involves both the ignorance of duty and socializing, I'm going to watch the The Simpsons Top 10 Best Episodes Marathon. Oh and, maybe I'm going to get myself something to eat, if I'm not too lazy.

I forgot how great the functionality of weekend was. You start worshipping free time even more when it's not daily. I was a little slow on finding out, I know.. laters.
turntable - Sep 3, 12:21

farrellĀ“s moustache breathes, lives and is full of cocaine, actually.
best wishes

skysurfer - Sep 3, 13:42

Yeah, I simply suppose it was just there to creep the viewers out.. to compensate the rest of the sucky movie.
Avitable (guest) - Sep 3, 17:06

I enjoyed Miami Vice - it was very gritty and Michael Mann is an excellent writer/director.

Did you watch Veronica Mars yet?

skysurfer - Sep 3, 21:14

I didn't like the plot. I went to see an action movie and all I got was a stupid romance storyline- always life and death and loyality and happy ending. Too pseudo if you ask me.

As for Veronica Mars, I can't find a healthy torrent to save my life. But I have recently figured that it's been airing for two weeks now on German TV, so that means if I can't get the first episode til next week, I'll just have to jump right into the 3rd or 4th episode.
JuDS (guest) - Sep 4, 04:27

I watched Miami Vice and let me tell you somethin' Colin Farrell's mustache is indeed creepy. The storyline sux and Jamie Foxx's character was diminished, plus I couldn't stop picturing the girl as Hatsumomo from The Memoirs of a Geisha movie, and wonder what the fuck was she doin' in such a crappy movie.
Now that I think about it, Colin Farrell has done movies that were once tv shows, and all of them have been sucky.
And I totally get you on the Garner thingy

skysurfer - Sep 5, 20:26

I found it pretty irrational they make an Irish bloke act as American... that just doesn't go off very well. And get off that goddamn moustache.

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