Thursday, 31. August 2006

Where Does The Good Go?

I'm done watching Alias. It was a weird experience. First they die, then they live, then they die again- first they're good, then they're bad, then they're good, then they're bad again... it's a drag if you ask me. And I probably would've stopped watching mid season 4 if it wasn't for the fact that I'd already downloaded all of the episodes. And of course, Jennifer Garner, my new love interest. Seriously. I'm going to LA if only to check this chick out for real.

But anyway, I'm kind of relieved it's done. Nevermind the sloppy ending, I can now go to sleep without having to think about what is going to happen next. Nothing worse than anticipation. But also-- nothing better, right?

So, yeah. My life is compeltely empty now again. What a pity-- I can't wait til Veronica Mars is finished downloading. Maybe I'll have another addiction. I really need this obsession to get over the fact that the rest of my life that doesn't involve fiction is the biggest bullshit I've ever seen.
Avitable (guest) - Aug 31, 19:53

I live in a world of fiction. It's the best possible scenario.

JuDS (guest) - Sep 2, 01:19

Season 4's finale was sucky, and trust me season 5 has very good moments, but as you say, they die, then live again, and it happens so many times that after a while is hard to keep track of who's dead or alive. I hated the series finale, I really did, but it has some very good moments. Plus, Jen Garner looks very pregnant and it's kinda cute. Totally hated the new ones but after a while you start to kinda like them. Kinda...

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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