Thursday, 24. August 2006

Fade In/Out

To my other personality:

I blame you for everything going wrong in my life. I blame you for drinking too much and then spilling out my deepest secrets. I blame you for being the cause for these secrets. I blame you for pretending I didn't remember anything, and I blame you from damaging the only working friendships I've had (on a full account, two) just because you took control over me.

I blame you for being a bitter person, for not enjoying sex, for not being in love, for being in love but not wanting it, for longing for someone but rejecting everyone, from being cold and distanced, from feeling unneeded.

I blame you for looking like a 12 year old geeky boy, I blame you for hitting my knees, toes and elbows on anything that I pass, you are the reason why my teeth aren't perfectly white and why I'll be wrinkled by the age of 23. I blame you for this horrible voice of mine, for the high pitched laugh and for all the people I've scared away with it.

I blame you for being not successful in any part of life, for being broke, for not watching news, for smoking, for simply everything that's gone and going wrong. I blame you for being just too gay to be true - in a literal sense, really - and for wishing my family dead just so they will not be hurt anymore by you.

I know your intentions, you bitch. You want to destroy my soul. I don't want to be you. And so I'm saying goodbye. Fuck off you rotten piece of horse meat.

Yours truly,
What's Left Of Me

PS: I gotta tell you though, it's a good thing you got the new Alias season. It's a killer. And I have to say, by all means, you do have a great taste in women.
Avitable (guest) - Aug 24, 14:23

You don't look like a 12-year old geeky boy. You look at least 16! :)

Doesn't season 4 rock?

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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