Avitable (guest) - Aug 21, 22:46

Season 4 fucking rocked - wait until you see it. I'll be buying 5 on DVD soon so I can watch it, too.

skysurfer - Aug 22, 01:24

Aah, don't give it away please! Azureus says it's going to be 9 hours until the d/l is done, and I'm itching to read the spoilers.. but I'll behave. I just won't get over the fact that this is the second to last season. I'd totally buy it on DVD, too- and I think this is the first show that would be completely worth it - except that aside the fact that I'm still broke (and will be til the end of times), the dvd's haven't been released here yet. I am SO anticipating what happens next. As in, masturbation-anticipation, if you get what I mean. Mentally, of course. But still. And I also met an old friend of mine today who TOTALLY LOOKS LIKE JENNIFER GARNER. No shit. I try to find a picture of her.. but man. Totally.



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