Friday, 18. August 2006

The State I Am In

I hate couples. I hate how everyone's got a new love interest or is dating someone new. People are even getting married and having babies (note, I'm exaggerating). Meanwhile I'm sitting here feeling lonely and depressed because I haven't been in love for a little less than a year. Great, Sara. You're progressing from bitching to whining.

It went by fine when I had at least some girlfriends to share the sorrows with. But now everyone's happy except for me. I've become a cold and ugly person, cynism and sarcasm my mantra, every guy bored of my phrases and in fact, I'm bored of myself too. And we haven't even started talking about looks yet.

It's weird. Being single has had it's advantages for me, but now it seems to be gone, everything. The worst part of it all is even if I were in love, I'd probably not be ready to get it on with. I'm still uncomfortable about the thought of relationships, I'm still dealing with trust issues, my expecations have risen so high, they've reached Pluto. And Pluto's far fucking away.

Guess it's time to get myself a cat.
keabecky - Aug 19, 00:31

A cat would make it even worse ...

skysurfer - Aug 19, 13:52

I've come to believe that NOTHING could make this worse than it is..
ingoodcompany (guest) - Aug 19, 02:47

all i can say is

amen sister

just another blog master (guest) - Aug 19, 11:28

yep, you really need a pussy :-)))

skysurfer - Aug 19, 13:52

Err... okaaaaay.. :D Volunteers, please take a number.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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