J (guest) - Aug 13, 12:30

did you get one yet? or what...?

skysurfer - Aug 13, 13:08

No, I don't have enough money. I'm killing the alleged baby by drinking and smoking myself dead. I am of the opinion that pregnancy tests should be for free, anyway. Ten buck is a lot of money. And also I'm too scared to take it. I should really tell someone from around here.. they might help me kick my ass.
J (guest) - Aug 13, 22:28

*stern look*
hate to be the one not being light of this... but taking a test is the lesser of 2 evils.. scared of a test or scared of the wrath of your 'rents?!?
Let me kick your ass.. tell someone or there will be money coming in the mail!! *serious*



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if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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