Monday, 31. July 2006

Military Minds

It took me exactly 2 days and 2 nights to watch Alias: Season 2. I am obsessed again. Although I'd watched the episodes before, I just couldn't help being caught up in it again. I wasn't even intending to get so sucked into it. Tecker's Girlfriend lend me the box and in a moment of boredom, I decided to watch one or two episodes. Well, 48 hours later, I'm hanging on like a junkie on turkey to get S3. TG is in Toscany right now, so either I'll have to wait another wait to get my fix, or I can just download 3,6 GB worth of breath taking tension.

Guess what I'm doing right now.

Anyway, one thing that amuses me alot in American shows is how they profile other countries and their behaviour, as well as reflect foreign nations so unprofessionally, it cracks me up every time.

Germans, for instance, are always the villains that don't succeed. Always. They usually have blonde, wavy hair, relatively long, wear glasses and look like they just dropped out of WWII. I swear I haven't seen any German look like this, and I'm sure I never will.

Most importantly, they usually use their own (American) actors to speak German. The thick accent is unmistakable. How hard could it possibly be to find a German speaking extra to fit the job?

Oh and, I never thought that Jennifer Garner was hot. On stills, she looks skinny, childish... cute, but not hot. Same goes for Micheal Vartan. Interesting how my opinion changes after 22 episodes... hot, hot, hot. Except, the final left me crying. And I'm still shaking. I need my fix. Now.
Avitable (guest) - Jul 31, 21:56

I love Jen Garner. She is amazingly gorgeous.

Alias is fun, mindless shit. I mean, the Americans are all played as smooth martial artists who can fire a gun with unerring accuracy. It's about using the cliches with cool music, cooler action scenes and great wigs and masturbating to Jennifer Garner afterwards. Although that last part might just be me.

skysurfer - Jul 31, 23:34

I might just join you in the masturbation part ;)

I do find it very relaxing to watch stuff like this- it makes me want to become CIA Agent :P But always take care.. the enemy is just around the corner ;)

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if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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