Thursday, 28. December 2006

Oh Horatio

I've never, ever in my life been interested in electronic music. Not a little bit. Used to hate techno, house, all that stuff just got on my nerves. Give me some guitars, some drums, the pop, the rock- I'd even go with the Hip Hop if it wasn't so bad most of the time.

But Electro just wasn't my case.

And now, look there what happened: 30% of songs on my Itunes library are electro. I never knew how good this stuff could be, especially the electroclash/clashi2trashi stuff. The Knife, for instance, is one of the most genius bands I've ever heard.

The best thing is that I can now discover a whole new genre, without stumbling upon old stuff that I've already heard a dozen and two times before. Now I don't need to go fishing for new bands that no-one knows yet- it's all there for me, waiting to be unpacked, songs and even more songs that I haven't heard yet.

The bands that I've grown to like: The Knife, LCD Soundsystem, Fischerspooner, Fairmont, Justice, Klee, KMFDM, Lexy & K-Paul... great stuff there.
And many more. It's great. Feels like orgasm.

Oh and, still- the best song I've heard in a while is no electro. It's called Oh Horatio by Tiger Lou and I have to cry every time I listen to it.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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