Saturday, 2. December 2006

Swing Life Away

My life is a stretched out yawn in slo-mo right now. I have made it my top priority to neglect everything important, postpone deadlines and basically being the perfect procrastinator by watching random shows on My current obsession is Scrubs. I love Scrubs. I want to marry Zack Braff. Please now.

School is getting worse. Haleluja. I have found the best reason to drop out: I suck. I still haven't decided yet if that's really the best option to go for. First I have to make sure I'm getting that "Service Lady" job in Prague. I heard they work in cheap "motels" to make the stay for their "guests" as "convenient" as possible, despite the lack of TV's or mini bars. I think that is a good system.

I have found a girl that seems to be nice and cool to hang out with. Although I really much like her, I don't feel attracted to her at all. At least I don't think about how making out with her will be. I also don't think that I'd stand any chance in the world even if I was. That kind of makes me happy. We frequent some classes together, but she lives far away from here. Her drive to school takes her at least half an hour. That sucks.

Speaking of driving, I drive really good nowadays. I wish I had my own car. I'd really like the Porsche Cayenne. I figured my best chance to get one is to either go with the trading scheme or win it at the McDonalds monopoly contest. I couldn't trade my paperclip for even a pen, so I decided to stick with the fast food. You can see me at my local franchise every day at least once eating a super size menu in the hopes to get the right stickers. It's a drag and it's expensive, but it's alot of fun. The obvious consequence of getting fat can be neglected. I'm not having sex, anyway.

That is the main reason for my currently very sour attitude. Because of my masturbation-denial problem (I can't masturbate more than every other week because I'm lazy and hate thinking of sex which only gets me frustrated) I am very horny. At the sight of any good looking young man I will get nervous and shaky. Apparently, that is what drives them away.

So I've decided to call it an abstinence until my will is broken. This way it will look as if I've chosen that path of nonsexual encounters. Please don't pity me. I CHOSE TO BE LIKE THAT.

My pants are torn up and I look like a hobo. The RHCP concert rocked. I am in love with John Frusciante. My friends suck dick, but I really dig them nonetheless. I've smoked at least a cigarette every day since last year. I've lost a minimum of 250 € with poker ever since I started playing, and won maybe a total amount of 60 bucks. I want to go clubbing but never get around to. I enjoy staying at home and trying to break my top score in Minesweeper.

This is a cry for help.

PS: That dude I wrote about the other day, H.? He was in the newspapers on Thursday. Actually, there was a phantom sketch. Police were looking for a young man with that face, and it was obviously him, for armed robbery. The store is allegedly robbed (but I'm pretty sure it was him) is only a couple of meters next to where he lives. For all I know, the owner of that gift store could be his mother's best friend. I guess he's going to end in jail before he's dead. I'm too apathetic to feel anything right now. Please envy me.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

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