Wednesday, 11. October 2006

Mama, You Got A Daughter

As opposed to everything I've ever dreamed of being, I've become more or less a poker addict. This is not a bad thing seeing as sometimes I will finance my other addiction, cigarettes, through the game. But it's pretty bad on the run, pretty expensive while I'm losing.

It's cool though, and it's fun. It gives me an excuse to hang out with the guys. Problem is, I haven't been hanging out with many girls lately, and I can already feel it. It crawls up on me, that emotion. GIRL CRAVING. And I don't mean that sexually, just the presence of a female companion that shares my thoughts and feelings. At least while menstruating, we should feel similar.

And then I'd tell her stuff like how my semi-crush already has a girlfriend. I'd add that hey, he's not really my type and he's short and he's a skateboard freak with a stoner attitude, but he's kinda cute, too. So I'm not heartbroken or thinking of him all the time, but he was a potential and now I can strike him off my list. Sometimes it's that easy.
We'd probably laugh and joke about it, she'd insist it breaks my heart and I'll have to convince her it really doesn't at all.

Then I'd make her share my joy for kittens. How cute they are, and meanwhile, we'd watch Sex and The City re-runs and eat salty chips, or cook! We'd cook pasta and I'd probably ruin the sauce or break some plates and she'd say that I'm clumsy because she's girly, and she knows how to cook. And shit like that wouldn't happen to her.

We'd paint our fingernails, hers would be French, mine a disaster. And the obligatory hot guys of the day talk where she can list me at least 10 new guys I haven't heard of, may they be prominent or just random blokes from our school, while I can only think of hot women and mention those and in the same take of breath convince her that I'm neither gay nor bisexual.

Sooner or later, we'll start having our periods together, she'll get on my nerves, we'll have some fights, I'd talk about how hard it is to hang out with chicks and listen to all their cheesy stuff about guys and make up and shopping and hang out with guys again. Either that or crush on her, which pretty much concludes the same way.

Well, I can't be rescued, I'm damned to be some type of guy rather than a girl.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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