Wednesday, 23. August 2006

What I Can't Describe

Just some random stuff that is happening right now:

Driving: I passed my drivers licence theory this morning. I nearly didnt, but I did. Which means Im going to get drunk tonight.

Relationships: Still not in love, who would've guessed. But The Company seems to like me alot more than I had thought. Flattering, maybe, but also a guilty pleasure. His parents are on vacation for a week and he has been out of town for his job, so he left me the keys to the house, cigarettes, alcohol and 80 bucks. Dude.. either we're really close friends or he wants to screw me forever. And that is not going to happen, because last time I tried I broke down and went pretty emotional on him (and he was really sweet about it). It just doesn't feel right. Maybe I'm gay after all.

Friends: Im currently sticking to Tecker and The Company. Everyone else is crossed off my friends list, deception/betrayal as well as lack of trust for reasons. I just can't cope with buttheads right now.

School: School starts Monday and out of principle, I'll be grumpy for two months. I share classes with my asshole ex-boyfriend, just one of these obnoxious people that I'd rather see on the "recently died in Iraq" status. Not to mention all the other stupid kids, let alone the teachers. And the homework. And the hours spent on revising. No, I certainly didn't miss school.

Money: Well, I was broke until I sold a motorbiking suit that had cost me 10 bucks for 80 € on Ebay. Eighty fucking Euro. That is 80 times more than I originally had. Dude. Awee-some.

Alias: Download still not done, but I found this uber super cute Jen Garner interview from the beginnings of the show. She is the woman of my dreams (right after Leisha Hailey and recently also Nelly Furtado)- talk about being gay.

Other stuff: Please check out I Will Call You. This is the most creative project I've spotted so far on the 'net, and man I've seen a lot of things believe me. This really nice guy, MJ, simply calls you and talks to about.. well, stuff. Majorly about how surprised you are that he actually called you. Just for fun. A little bit like but without postcards. Duh.
Anyway, I talked to him and he mentioned me on his website- he is really great and a fun guy to talk to. Unfortunately, I was drunk and giddy so he probably thought I was a freak, but in any case go check it out and have someone call you up.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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