Monday, 21. August 2006


I'd love to be the lead singer of Fuel, except I'm a girl and I can't sing, but I'd really love to be. He's also kinda cute so that'd give me an advantage to my current situation, too.

I'd be happy enough if I could make stuff like this using Flash, but it's not happening either.

Two nights ago I finished watching S3 of Alias, and it left my terrified of what's going to happen next. I am officially in love with Sidney Bristow. Then I found out they wrapped the show up, there's no season beyond #5.
Shows make me pity my life because they're so much better than this. Maybe I should just stop watching this crap, and things will get better again.

Haha. One week until school. I'm still stoned from the joint I smoked.. err.. like, two minutes ago. I'm wrecking my mind.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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