Friday, 4. August 2006

Overnight Celebrity

My brother dragged me along to a concert last night. I thought it was going to suck, so I took The Company who would at least keep me smiling and drinking. In fact, I only went because my brother was willing to pay me the entry, so yeah. I think my only real aim in life is to claim my personal suggar daddy. I'd be happy til the end of times.

Anyway, it was a German band called "Bosse". And guess what? I totally fell in love.

See, there's one thing about Germany you should know: We are so sick of ourselves that we lean towards other nation's cultural activities. Movies? Music? Literature? Everything is foreign. The only thing we're proud of here is soccer and cars, the rest is, in simple words: crap.

When it comes to music I usually think that the German language should be banned. It is grotesque. Never wondered why Rammstein were so successful? They use as few words as possible. Meanwhile, other rather popular music acts in Germany are "ghetto rap artists", which basically means that they're dumb, stupid and usually, they don't even come from the block and they've never been to jail, either. Man, Jack Johnson is more ghetto than they are. MTV and TRL are fed with new stuff from overseas. My interest in music is huge, but I seldomly find a band that convinces me. Last time it was Panic! At The Disco, this time? Bosse. A German rock band.

I suck at explaining and doing resumés. All I know is that they were amazing, sounding like a mixture of Queens of The Stone Age and Social Distortion with a hint Goo Goo Dolls. I might be completely wrong, though. I was also standing right behind the amplifiers. I didn't hear all that well.

They were funny, too. Told us a story to every of their songs, made us rock the evening. I never had so much fun in two hours. They had me crying, laughing, shocked, inspired.. aah.

Enough with the cheese. I'm going to put a song up as soon as I have the album (there are some things in this world that are worthy of spending money).

Bosse put a smile upon my face. =)

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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