Saturday, 29. July 2006

Talk Of The Town

I went to an anti war demonstration with my parents today. About 200 of Arabic and German people gathered in downtown Frankfurt (Hauptwache) and listened to speeches held about the war, the US, the harmed children- it was harsh and honest- you could literally feel the pain under your skin- and just so perfectly timed, with the Christopher Street Day parade in the background.

It went like this:

Spokesperson: "Let us pray for the health of the civilians and for the humanity of our fellow Arabs..."
Gay naked guy in background: "ANAL PENETRATION!"
Spokesperson: "... and let us please not forget to pray for Allah to make this war stop and give us peace again for our brothers and sisters.."
Hardcore lesbian fingering her girlfriend: "WE ARE CUMMING!"
Spokesperson: "... and unite the country again.."
Parade: *techno techno techno* *beer beer beer*

Well, yeah. It left quite an impression.

Later that day me and The Company went to the Traffic Jam Festival, an annual big party in the sun for those who can't afford the "real" deal with major line-ups, like Southside, Rock am Ring or Hurricane- I thought it was going to be all raggae and spliffs, but it turned out to be majorly unknown shoutcore metal bands and a bandwagon full of wasted punks and emos. Beautiful lyrical outpouring. All I got from the songs was "BWAAAH, BWAHA BAHA BWAAAAH"- but I'm quite unsure.
Although I must admit there was one guy who was funny as hell. Funny in a "beer coming out of your nose" way. It was only him and his guitar. Jack Johnson for Germany, only maybe a notch more into weed and alcohol.

Best line I overheard tonight:

Drunk guy: "Who here .. has... tele-- tel- telekenetik powers? RAISE MY HAND!"


Best. Video. Ever.

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet
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