Outside the Subs

Thursday, 28. December 2006

Oh Horatio

I've never, ever in my life been interested in electronic music. Not a little bit. Used to hate techno, house, all that stuff just got on my nerves. Give me some guitars, some drums, the pop, the rock- I'd even go with the Hip Hop if it wasn't so bad most of the time.

But Electro just wasn't my case.

And now, look there what happened: 30% of songs on my Itunes library are electro. I never knew how good this stuff could be, especially the electroclash/clashi2trashi stuff. The Knife, for instance, is one of the most genius bands I've ever heard.

The best thing is that I can now discover a whole new genre, without stumbling upon old stuff that I've already heard a dozen and two times before. Now I don't need to go fishing for new bands that no-one knows yet- it's all there for me, waiting to be unpacked, songs and even more songs that I haven't heard yet.

The bands that I've grown to like: The Knife, LCD Soundsystem, Fischerspooner, Fairmont, Justice, Klee, KMFDM, Lexy & K-Paul... great stuff there.
And many more. It's great. Feels like orgasm.

Oh and, still- the best song I've heard in a while is no electro. It's called Oh Horatio by Tiger Lou and I have to cry every time I listen to it.

Sunday, 12. November 2006

In Addition

And, and that bitch from Scrubs? You know not the blonde chick, and not the mexican chick, I mean that surly and cynical chick who hangs with the angry superior-doc, and the she gets pregnant? Yeah that bitch is hot.

(And I'm saying bitch, not to degrade women because I'm a woman myself and I wouldn't degrade my kind because I can't without degrading myself and I'm not there yet, but I'm saying bitch to make a point here. As in, YO BROTHER THAT BITCH IS SMOKING DAMN HOT!)

Wednesday, 8. November 2006

Les Garcons Dans Le Vestieres

Speaking of gay, this video and the song itself is so hilarious I just have to post it. It's NSFW unless you work for a gay magazine or at home like Avitable does. Please rob him and give me his new TV.

The video is basically a song about guys in locker rooms and what they supposedly do. If that's the truth I should join a soccer team.


Thursday, 2. November 2006

Spend A Lifetime

I went to see Panic! At The Disco, I met them in person and (metaphorically) shook hands and had a talk to them about my charming (real) 1$-note that they signed- but I fell in love with someone entirely different.

Because as soon as we went to the concert and I heard her voice singing over what sounded like a gazillion of decibels, I knew this was the woman of my dreams.

I mean, next to Jennifer Garner and everything. Nobody can beat that rank, she's just perfect. But that lead singer of the uber-phat Swedish band "The Sounds"? She rocks. And she's hot.

They were only the supporting act but I was a lot nicer to watch their gig than Panic's, although altogether, Panic was much cooler still. I know, I'm confused, too- the thing is, no one really ever wants to see the supporting act, right, unless it's something like, I don't know, something Emo the kids nowadays like. So the crowd was pretty polite and nice and just swaying and singing and having fun. But when Panic! started, people went bezerk and I wouldn't have imagined such a fallout even at the worst and slummiest redneck attended Slipknot act.

We were standing in 3rd line, and as soon as Brandon hit the stage, it was either dead or alive. I had been talking to a 12 year old cute boy who stood in front of me, and when the lights dimmed he suddenly vanished under the fat corpse of a 50-year old who reeked of sweat and beer. I was punched into my ribs, pushed into other people, and right at this moment I realize that I don't know enough English vocabulary to actually explain the outrageous dimensions it took. Just imagine a wild gone cattle of Emo, running into your back and breaking your bones.

So I took that beat and stepped out of the crowd, pushed my way to the back of the hall (as at least 300 other broken and disappointed girls did). When you go to a concert of moshing and pogo, you know it's going to be rough, but people help each other off the ground when they fall because they don't want to seriously injure themselves, if even at all. Panic! At the Disco? A hype with no comparison. It proves again that, frankly, going to concerts is not my kind of thing. The drinks are expensive, the sweat makes me nauseous and it's so much better to listen to the music in a club, where you can dance freely to it without feeling like rocks are getting thrown at you.

Now I'm more or less dreading to go to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers in two weeks. It seems like horror to me, there's going to be a tremendous crowd and crazy people and even crazier moshing. Tecker told me we had seats, but I'm not sure how cool that is. Which reminds me, I should probably start listening to the Stadium Arcadium, I hate it when I can't sing along. Except, I hate Stadium Arcadium, which leaves me out of it.

Tickets are being sold on Ebay for at least 150 bucks.

Anyway- The Sounds, people, The Sounds. Hot girl.

Monday, 2. October 2006


There's really only one thing I really need right now: Friends. Good friends. Friends I can go out with and have a good time with.. goddamnit. And possibly friends who know the way to the good clubs.

Saturday, 23. September 2006

V for Vat the fuck?

I don't want to go into detail of the how's and why's and when's, but my birthday was pretty cool and I was pretty drunk, and I woke up with a hangover and I got some nice presents, of which alcohol dominated by far.

But because I am too lazy to explain, here are some pictures that will hopefully say more than words (especially on my new haircut and my drunken state of mind):
Me and her, pretty drunk, shortly before the "fall out".

(see more on Flickr)

Thursday, 24. August 2006

Marching Bands Of Manhattan

I have one unbearable weakness that NO one knows about. It's nothing to be ashamed of, but in fact it's become a monstrum in my head and so I feel like I should better keep this inside of me until I can actually live my dream.

As you know, I'm quite the urban type of person. I need big cities filled with CO2 pestered air, reeking hobos, shopping miles, tourists, mixed cultures, traffic jams on the nearby highways caused by commuters, nightlife, concerts, parks, skyscrapers, cafés, bars, I simply need everything in a large variety. It doesn't matter if in my lifetime I won't even leave my block- only the thought that I could do so and take in new moments on every corner, it gives me chills up and down my spine. I need that. It's because I'm bored and I'm far away from creative, so other people have to fill this incredibly large void inside of me.

This is why I'm more or less dying in this town. Forty five thousand people and 20 schools, that's just about what we have. Sure, we have cafés and bars and two theatres, but it doesn't really count. If a city doesn't have a 24/7 McDonald's, it's not good for me.

And here comes my weakness. I am totally in love with the United States. I don't know why it bothers me so much- I've been to most large cities on either side of the continent, from Boston to Miami, from Seattle to LA, Chicago, Detroit. I must say I was a little younger back then, but I knew right on the spot that my favourite place on earth has to be San Francisco. I've never seen a comparable city, although Stuttgart, here in Germany, is a close call.

In any other case, I really detest the USA. Shitty, not really your role model democrats and politics isn't it?, overpriced everything, lack of education (at least 4 in 10 Americans that I've met the problems were evident- but don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the USA are generally dumb), false dreams and idealizing the wrong things, stupid Hollywood movies, no social insurance, heavy bigotery, racism.. the list is endless. But instead of boykotting this country, it attracts me. Americans attract me, simple as that. If you're American (and have nice attributes), you're likely to screw me. High chances, pal.

From all of the cities, I liked LA the least. It's exactly this city that draws me in the most. Don't ask me why. Animal magnetism, or maybe all of the hotties, maybe being close to fame- I'm a suck up like that - however, it's my dream to live there at least for a couple of years while I'm still young.

But hush, I wouldn't tell anyone.. I'm a rebellious punk, and I like communism. I gotta take care of my reputation.

Saturday, 5. August 2006

Can't Stop Won't Stop

I don't really know who had the idea in the first place, but me, my brother and 5 friends are going to Munich tonight for clubbing, and return tomorrow morning. That's a 4 hour party drive.

My parents are out for the weekend so we can do whatever the fuck we want. We threw a party last night, the house is a wreck, I haven't slept more than 1 hour and I'm still on it.

Funny enough, I've been asking my parents for two weeks now to let me go to Munich to visit The Cucumber. Last week they bought me the train tickets and on Monday, I'm officially in Munich, again.

Best summer vacation ever.

Friday, 4. August 2006

Overnight Celebrity

My brother dragged me along to a concert last night. I thought it was going to suck, so I took The Company who would at least keep me smiling and drinking. In fact, I only went because my brother was willing to pay me the entry, so yeah. I think my only real aim in life is to claim my personal suggar daddy. I'd be happy til the end of times.

Anyway, it was a German band called "Bosse". And guess what? I totally fell in love.

See, there's one thing about Germany you should know: We are so sick of ourselves that we lean towards other nation's cultural activities. Movies? Music? Literature? Everything is foreign. The only thing we're proud of here is soccer and cars, the rest is, in simple words: crap.

When it comes to music I usually think that the German language should be banned. It is grotesque. Never wondered why Rammstein were so successful? They use as few words as possible. Meanwhile, other rather popular music acts in Germany are "ghetto rap artists", which basically means that they're dumb, stupid and usually, they don't even come from the block and they've never been to jail, either. Man, Jack Johnson is more ghetto than they are. MTV and TRL are fed with new stuff from overseas. My interest in music is huge, but I seldomly find a band that convinces me. Last time it was Panic! At The Disco, this time? Bosse. A German rock band.

I suck at explaining and doing resumés. All I know is that they were amazing, sounding like a mixture of Queens of The Stone Age and Social Distortion with a hint Goo Goo Dolls. I might be completely wrong, though. I was also standing right behind the amplifiers. I didn't hear all that well.

They were funny, too. Told us a story to every of their songs, made us rock the evening. I never had so much fun in two hours. They had me crying, laughing, shocked, inspired.. aah.

Enough with the cheese. I'm going to put a song up as soon as I have the album (there are some things in this world that are worthy of spending money).

Bosse put a smile upon my face. =)

Saturday, 29. July 2006

Talk Of The Town

I went to an anti war demonstration with my parents today. About 200 of Arabic and German people gathered in downtown Frankfurt (Hauptwache) and listened to speeches held about the war, the US, the harmed children- it was harsh and honest- you could literally feel the pain under your skin- and just so perfectly timed, with the Christopher Street Day parade in the background.

It went like this:

Spokesperson: "Let us pray for the health of the civilians and for the humanity of our fellow Arabs..."
Gay naked guy in background: "ANAL PENETRATION!"
Spokesperson: "... and let us please not forget to pray for Allah to make this war stop and give us peace again for our brothers and sisters.."
Hardcore lesbian fingering her girlfriend: "WE ARE CUMMING!"
Spokesperson: "... and unite the country again.."
Parade: *techno techno techno* *beer beer beer*

Well, yeah. It left quite an impression.

Later that day me and The Company went to the Traffic Jam Festival, an annual big party in the sun for those who can't afford the "real" deal with major line-ups, like Southside, Rock am Ring or Hurricane- I thought it was going to be all raggae and spliffs, but it turned out to be majorly unknown shoutcore metal bands and a bandwagon full of wasted punks and emos. Beautiful lyrical outpouring. All I got from the songs was "BWAAAH, BWAHA BAHA BWAAAAH"- but I'm quite unsure.
Although I must admit there was one guy who was funny as hell. Funny in a "beer coming out of your nose" way. It was only him and his guitar. Jack Johnson for Germany, only maybe a notch more into weed and alcohol.

Best line I overheard tonight:

Drunk guy: "Who here .. has... tele-- tel- telekenetik powers? RAISE MY HAND!"

Suburban Rock

if I had balls they would be bigger than yours

The Backstreet

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